Making Your Own Incense and Magickal Oils

You're about to embark on a journey into a familiar yet exciting realm.

        Copyright © 2002 Gray Seal
Herbal Magick and Herbal medicine (or "herbalism") is the study and use of medicinal properties of plants.

The use of plants as medicines predates written human history. Ethnobotany (the study of traditional human uses of plants) is recognized as an effective way to discover future medicines. In 2001, researchers identified 122 compounds used in modern medicine which were derived from "ethnomedical" plant sources; 80% of these have had an ethnomedical use identical or related to the current use of the active elements of the plant. Many of the pharmaceuticals currently available to physicians have a long history of use as herbal remedies, including aspirin, digitalis, quinine, and opium. 

  • Incense 101
    For thousands of years, people have used fragrant flowers, plants, and herbs as incense. Using smoke to send prayers out to the gods is one of the oldest known forms of ceremony.
  • Making your Own Incense
    Incense has smoldered on magicians' altars for at least 5,000 years.  It was burned in antiquity to mask the odors of sacrificial animals, to carry prayers to the Gods, and to create a pleasing environment for humans to meet with Deity.
  • Magickal Oils 101
    Our ancestors used oils in ceremony and ritual hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Because many essential oils are still available, we can continue making our own blends today. 
  • Mabon Oils
    Oils made from the herbs and plants of the season can be used in other ways to attune you and your home to Mabon energies. These are wonderful alternative to commercial perfumes and tend to be less allergenic to those with chemical sensitivity. The other benefit to essential oils is that they hold the energies of the whole plant, unlike synthetic oils and perfumes.
  • Make Your Own Imbolc Incense
    Many Wiccans, Witches and Pagans use incense as part of a sacred ceremony. In fact, recently many scientists got on board the incense bandwagon and agreed that there are indeed physiological benefits to using it.
  • Make Your Own Ostara Incense
    This is a loose incense designed to be burned on activated charcoal, which is found in most occult shops and Middle Eastern supermarkets. While this recipe does not include toxic ingredients, sensitivities do happen. 
  • Make Your Own Beltane Incense
    At Beltane, spring is getting seriously underway. Gardens everywhere will be planted, sprouts will begin to appear, and the earth will be returning to life once again. This time of year is associated with fertility, thanks to the greening of the land, and with fire.
  • Two Midsummer Incenses You Can Make
    Incense, in common with all things, possesses specific vibrations. The magician chooses the incense for magical use with these vibrations in mind. If performing a healing ritual, she or he burns a mixture composed of herbs that promote healing. 
  • Make Your Own Lughnassad Incense
    Scent is power. It allows us to slip into ritual consciousness, thereby allowing us to raise power, infuse it with the proper energies, and send it forth toward the magical goal. 
  • Make Your Own Samhain Incense
    While the streets of your neighborhood start to fill with kids extorting people for candy (Trick or Treat!) there are many of us who tend to look forward to a less secular evening later on.
  • Make A Yule Simmering Potpourri
    You can bring the scents of the Yule season into your home by blending up your own batch of potpourri.
  • Six Magickal Simmering Potpourris You Can Make
    Love Simmering Potpourri, Money Simmering Potpourri, Protective Simmering Potpourri, Purification Simmering Potpourri, Psychic Simmering Potpourri, Magical Power Simmering Potpourri.

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