Solitary New Moon Ritual

The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings…

    Copyright © 1999 Gray Seal

New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. The New Moon is as powerful in its own way as th e Full Moon. It is a time for taking stock. It is a phase of hibernation, retreat, and contemplation. Avoid crowds and gatherings and seek a little time for yourself. Rest is crucial during the New Moon. Simple foods and quiet times are powerful healers. Many women menstruate with the New Moon. It is natural to want to curl up in bed with a good book and nice cup of chamomile tea. Stronger nervines (relaxing herbs) are skullcap, hops, catnip, oatstraw, and valerian.

Solitary new moon rite.

After the New Moon ends and that first crescent appears, then the healing lunar cycle begins all over again. Most acute diseases do not last a full lunar cycle. The information in this article is only intended to be an educational tool, not a prescription. It is always wise to consult with your health care provider when experiencing any illness or discomfort. Awareness of the rhythms of nature can assist you and your health care provider in determining the best course of treatment at any given time. Naturally, some conditions will require that you apply therapies that don't necessarily "fit" with the phase of the Moon.

Spells, Rituals, etc. should be performed between dawn and sunset for the best use of this magick.

Solitary New Moon Ritual:

Items needed:

   * cedar or sage smudging wand
   * white candle
   * bell
   * athame

Cast the circle:

Use the smudging wand to purify the space as you move around the circle.

Invocation to the Goddess:

Ring bell with your arms in the Goddess position (arms in a V above your head). Say these, or similar, words:

   Great Hecate
   Queen of the Underworld
   Protectress of all Wicca
   It is my will on this night of the new moon
   to overcome my shadows
   and bring about change
   I invite you to my circle to assist and protect me in my rite.

Invocation to the God:

Hold your athame with your hands in the God position (crossed over your chest) Say these, or similar, words:

   Great Anubis,
   God of Protection
   It is my will on this night of the new moon
   to overcome my shadows
   to bring about change
   I invite you to my circle
   to assist me and protect me in my rite.

Statement of intent:

Say these, or similar, words:

   Dark is the night as I reach this turning point
   Here is a time of death, yet a time of rebirth.
   Endings and beginnings
   Ebbings and flowings
   A journey done and a journey yet to start.
   As the wheel turns, I see birth, death and rebirth
   and I know that every end is a beginning.


Remember a time in your life when you were miserable, depressed and felt like you couldn't go on. Let the painful memories overtake you, feeling yourself weaken and become frightened. Put yourself back in that pain-filled time in your life. As you meditate on that time, sink down the floor and curl up in an embryonic position. You are completely obsessed by pain and depression. The shadows around you lengthen and darkness spreads.

Then arise!

Light your white candle and hold it high overhead. Say these, or similar, words:

   In darkness, there is light!
   I feel energy and life returning to me!
   I feel my heartbeat strong
   I feel the power of the universe and the power of the Goddess and
   God within me.

Pass the candle over your body, tuning in completely with the light, feeling its power heal and protect you. Allow its rays to completely penetrate your being, healing and cleansing you. As you are doing this, chant

Let the light cast out all darkness

Cakes and Ale or The Simple Feast

Thank the God and Goddess for their presence

Close the circle.

After the New Moon ends and that first crescent appears, then the healing lunar cycle begins all over again. Most acute diseases do not last a full lunar cycle. The information in this article is only intended to be an educational tool, not a prescription. It is always wise to consult with your health care provider when experiencing any illness or discomfort. Awareness of the rhythms of nature can assist you and your health care provider in determining the best course of treatment at any given time. Naturally, some conditions will require that you apply therapies that don't necessarily "fit" with the phase of the Moon.

More like this found here:

Midsummer - Magical Celebrations.

* Myths and lore: The gods and goddesses of Midsummer, rolling wheels, the Midsummer tree, circle dancing, and torchlight processions
* Midsummer magic and divination: Fairy contact, spells, empowering magical tools with solstice sun energy, Midsummer Eve pillow divination
* Traditional summertime treats: Elderflower Fritters, Gooseberry Fool, Coamhain Soup, Strawberry Wine, Heather Ale, Clary Sage Tea
* Seasonal rituals: Rite of the Oak King and the Holly King, Cornish Flower Ritual, Witch Rite for Midsummer Day, Drawing Down the Sun
* Midsummer herb craft: Gathering and drying herbs for magical oils, incenses, inks, and teas; herb recipes, from Amun Ra to Sun Goddess Oil

Plus lots more . . .  

Midsummer: Magical Celebrations of the Summer Solstice by Anna Franklin. 

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