Elemental and Seasonal Brews (Autumn)

Autumn brings with it some of the most wonderful food and drink.

     Copyright © 2000 Patricia Telesco
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” —Ecclesiastes 3:1

Witches use the symbolism of the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water), and that of the seasons for many things. First, we use them to honor the Earth’s cycles. For example, we might choose to make Air-oriented beverages to serve at Spring gatherings.

Second, each of the elements has specific attributes associated with it. By creating a beverage with distinct elemental overtones, we can internalize the energy of that element. For example, if you lacked energy, a Fire-based beverage is a good choice!

Similarly, each season is associated with an element and a location in our sacred circles. Spring corresponds with Air and the East, Summer with Fire and the South, Fall with Water and the West, and Winter with Earth and the North. What does all this mean? Effectively it gives you tons of flexibility with your brewing endeavors. For example, you could prepare a brew in Summer months to instill it with “Summer” or “Fire” energy. And, you could also use that beverage to mark or honor the southern part of your sacred space! Or, you could prepare a “Fire”-based beverage to use as a libation for Summer rituals.

Mix and match however you wish!


This is the season focused on the harvest, community, balance, and preparation. Traditional components include apple juice, cardamom, chamomile, mint, thyme, banana, pear, peach, birch (birch beer) catnip, pineapple, berries, cherry juice, chocolate beverages, heather, kiwi, lemon, and mead. For crystal tonics use blue agate, amethyst, fluorite, moonstone, and holy stones. Prepare these beverages at dusk.

Autumn mead.

Fall Metheglin

Fall Metheglin (A mead made with herbs, often used for health purposes.)

* 1 cup dried apple
* 7 bay leaves
* 2 large cinnamon sticks
* 1” bruised gingerroot
* 12 whole cloves
* 7 whole allspice berries
* 1 tsp. nutmeg 1 gal. water
* 3 lbs. dark honey
* 1/2 pkg. sparkling yeast
* 1 Tbsp. dried lemon peel
* 1 Tbsp. dried orange peel (or fresh from 1 whole fruit) (or fresh from 1 whole fruit) 

Directions: Try to begin this yeast in November of one year so that it will be ready for the next Fall’s celebrations. Place all your ingredients except the honey in a two-gallon pan with water. Simmer for one hour so that the water takes on a tea-like quality. Now add the honey, bringing the entire mixture to a boil to skim off scum. Boil for 15 minutes, then follow basic recipe. This mead has a marvelously crisp Fall flavor and is good both hot and cold.

Magickal Associations: The harvest, thankfulness, prudence.

History/Lore: This is basically a mulled beverage that is traditionally made here for enjoyment during Lammas, Fall Equinox, and Thanksgiving into the Yule season. It has all the scents and flavors of the holidays to inspire your magick for this season.

Fall Frolic.

Fall frolic

Fall Frolic

Fall Frolic
* 6 cups hot apple juice dash nutmeg
* 2 Tbsp. maple syrup dash ginger
* 2 tsp. honey 2 or 3 whole cloves
* 2 bay leaves 2 or 3 whole allspice
* 1/2 stick cinnamon juice of one orange

Directions: Mix syrup and honey with the apple juice until dissolved. Add your spices and allow to infuse like a tea until cool. Strain off whole spices, adding orange juice before freezing. Finish by following the general directions for mead. Possible garnishes include rum sauce, a slice of apple or orange, or a little sweet cream.

Magickal Associations: Any Fall-related festival, the harvest of labors, outcomes, and results.

History/Lore: This is a wonderful, mead-like Autumn beverage, which is also good warm, by the way. It tastes like all the favorite traditional scents of Fall and is especially nice for Thanksgiving gatherings.

Alternative: Peach juice, sacred to many Chinese deities, may be substituted for apple in this recipe for magickal energy toward helping bring wishes into reality. 

This and More Can be Found Here:

A Witches Beverages and Brews: Magic Potions Made Easy

A Witch's Beverages and Brews shares the wonderful heritage of beverage making and consuming -- how drinks appeared on altars as gift to the gods, where toasts come from, and why we pass wine clockwise around the table. All this lore and superstition combines with modern magickal methods to help you design beverages that quench both physical and spiritual thirst completely while tantalizing your taste buds.

In the later half of the book, each chapter is devoted to a specific theme with a suggested component list, preparation ideas (timing), and a host of recipes for both consumption and spellcraft purposes. Some of the themes that are covered are "keeping love true," "prosperity potions," and "concocting a little luck." Whether you're creating a drink so you can internalize its qualities for daily living, or making it for a friend, there's something here for all occasions, needs, and tastes.

A Witch's Beverages and Brews: Magick Potions Made Easy (Kitchen Witch's Guide) by Patricia Telesco.

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